Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Thousand Words

Art appreciation day.
This portrait was done by Reese this weekend.
It is her Mom and her mom's dog ( if she had one). It touched me when I saw it. The way her mom fills the whole page says to me that she loves her mom very much. The happy smile on mom and dog too, tickled me. The red dress with the puffy sleeves and the elaborate curly locks make me think that she indeed thinks her mom is beautiful. And who can argue with a child's logic that mom and dog both wear a tiara.
I love artwork from the heart.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Feeling the pain of my injured wrist, the frustration of being injured while trying to do a healthy thing for my body. Yesterday when I went to the hospital by myself, stayed home while my husband went snowmobiling with our friends, and today while he went to town , has left me feeling abandoned and neglected. These are the kind of things that in the past would have derailed my efforts. But today I did my cardio, made a good nutritious lunch and decided that I am not going to let bad feelings lead me down that path anymore.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The diet has been going pretty good as long as I focus , focus, focus. I am losing weight at a rate that makes me happy. But I can see how small changes can make a big difference in my results. The last couple of days have been a change to the regular routine. I have managed to stay on task with exercise and nutrition but... just didnt get the water in. I think that I really do need to drink the recommended amount to see results. I am hoping that as I go along I will be better able to handle changes to my routine.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Passion reignited.

I did a photo shoot yesterday of the cutest little baby.
I had sort of lost interest in taking photos for the last couple of weeks. Capturing that beautiful babies smile somehow fanned the ember of creativity , I thought was cold.
I fed that joyful flame by taking abstract photos today.
Can you guess what the images are?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Dupcake Conundrum

Yesterday was the biggest test of my diet ever.

I must have heard the word "cupcake" or saw cupcakes on TV no less than 15 times yesterday. I was beginning to think it was a conspiracy. All it did was cause me to obsess about the yummy looking cupcakes that were left over from the Cupcake party. Finally I asked Floyd to eat them in a hurry... or if not could he please spit on all of them. He laughingly told me that he would .. all but one.

I am thinking that spitting on one would have been sufficient.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunshine and Lollipops

Today we had a cupcake party.
Tons of fun decorating cupcakes and making chocolates.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Pussy willows

The mercury has been hovering just above freezing for the last couple of days. That has tricked some of the younger, less experienced willows into thinking it is spring. While the older, wiser willows will wait for another month or two to let their catkins out to play.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mama needs a new pair of shoes.

I have been pretty busy lately.. can you guess why?
Yup normally I buy a new pair of sneakers twice a year, and maybe a new pair of flipflops or a comfy pair of flats.
Well these little beauties go where flipflops fear to tread..... all the way to sexy and back.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Focusing on Joy

I have been reminded lately to find more joy in my life.
Couldnt we all use more joy?

I think looking at life from a different perspective

will be just what I need.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A New Beginning

I am sorry I havn't been posting this week. I have been doing alot of thinking , some of my peeps would say "no good can come of that". I am behind times here. I mean everyone has already broken most of their New Years resolutions, and I am just deciding what mine will be.
"We" are on a diet at my house because "I" think we need to lose weight. I will keep you posted on our progress. Cheers to a New Me.