The grey cold of winter had me in it's deathgrip, choking the life out of me. So I decided to break free. I found inspiration from a woman on the internet who had waited 32 yrs to use her linocut tools for the first time. I thought of the art supplies that I had collecting dust on the shelf.
I have always wanted to try oil stick paints. And I wont tell you how much dust I had to blow off of them before I could use them to create this little painting of a red onion.
I felt a little clumsy using them. I dont know if that is because I have never used them before or because I hadnt done anything in so long.
I wanted to do a painting all in one sitting so I did find it hard to add the details.. I think drying time would have been better. But I was feeling impatient.
Also I think these supplies are best for a studio that is well equipped with cleaning supplies as it was very messy. I did ruin my good pajamas... oops .. well I guess it's no secret that I live in those things if I dont have to get dressed. It sure did feel good to get messy with art again.
You know something... I think I am going to get dressed today... art is good for the soul.
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