Friday, February 8, 2013


This morning I spent some quiet time in my room. I sat in lotus position at the end of my unmade bed. The sun bounced of the rumpled white bedding and danced around me. I flipped through a well worn copy of a photo book by one of my favorite photographers. I hadnt seen the book for ages and as I flipped through the glossy images I remembered...
I thought how these beautiful images had ignited a passion in me. I recalled how his poetic photos had given me a look into his soul and how by doing so I peered into my own.
And I found myself inspired to return to the love I had found waning. I spent some time this morning looking at the world through the lens of my heart as well as the camera. The photo above is the result.
Lesson learned : Like a long time relationship you need to remember what it is that made you fall in love in the beginning if you are to keep the romance alive.

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