Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Day 6 Lights
I am having a hard time keeping up to this photo challenge.. yesterday morning I baked bread and tarts, made a meal that could be kept warm in the oven. Then I went out with hubby and two helpers to vaccinate the cattle. It was dark by the time I made it back to the house to grab a shower and put that meal on the table. Little time to think about photo challenge and even less energy. I did manage to get this shot of Kim leaving our house in his muscle car. I was excited to see the effect. A ghost car. I would like to try this when I have more time
Monday, November 28, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge "Water"
All the water in the great outdoors is frozen around here , so I had to come up with an alternative plan.Water droplets on a piece of glass worked well.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Day 3 of the 30 day photo challenge.
This is the sweater I plan on wearing today. Usually a tshirt or chunky sweater for me this sweater is soooo soft and cuddly makes me want to hug everyone.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Photo Challenge Day 2 Breakfast.
I almost forgot to do the photo challenge today.
When I remembered it was well past breakfast so I decided to recreate my breakfast.
Close, but the eggs were scrambbled and I added some jalapeno cheese.
Plenty of coffee to follow.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Photo Challenge Day 1

Day 1. Something Shiny.
Would you like to join the fun or just challenge yourself?
Just clk on the 30 Day Photo Challenge List
Please feel free to post a link to your photo if you are following along.
30 Day Photo Challenge List
I have decided to try a 30 day Photography Challenge.
I think I will start now so that I can be done by Christmas.
I have seen this idea around the web and thought it would be
great fun and a learning experience. I'm all for lurnin'.
I am going to post the results here.
Want to play along?
Post a link to your photo from your blog
or whatever site it's on.It's just that easy.
Ok let's get started.
Day 1. Something shiny
Day 2. Breakfast
Day 3. What you wore today
Day 4. Water
Day 5. Words
Day 6. Lights
Day 7. An animal
Day 8. Something white
Day 9. Clouds
Day 9. Hands
Day 10. A flower
Day 11. A clock
Day 12. Interesting shadow
Day 13. Sunflare
Day 14. Texture
Day 15. Desert
Day 16. From a low angle
Day 17. From a high angle
Day 18. An ornament
Day 19. A toy
Day 20. Something pink
Day 21. Something hot
Day 22. A smile
Day 23. Long exposure
Day 24. A friend
Day 25. Shopping
Day 26. What's cooking
Day 27. Black and white
Day 28. Tied in a bow
Day 29. Artwork
Day 30. Self portrait
Lights action..
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Getting into the spirit.
I decided to start a teensy tiny bit of decorating for Christmas. I strung a couple of sets of lights outdoors while the weather is giving us a reprieve.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Mother Nature's bling.
One of the things I like best about winter is hoar frost. These photos taken last week are from my yard one morning when the fog created this beautiful crystal coat over everything. Makes even the mundane clothes line look like something special.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Bling bling
My daughter got engaged last week. She was very excited to show me her ring and have me take a photo of it. It is beautiful and I am very happy for their little family.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Photography Class
Last Saturday I taught a Photography class for the day. It was so much fun. One of the things I asked the group to do was to make a portrait discribing the charactor of their choosen model, without using the face. I couldnt let them have all the fun.So here is my portrait of Laura. I added a bit to it but I think you can tell that she is a funloving , young lady.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Adventures in Collagraph
I spent a few days now preparing the matrix for this print. This is what the matrix looks like after a few prints. I was excited to try this technique because it seemed fun , easy, inexpensive, and a good way to make a larger print. Also a great way to use up the roll of rice paper I have had in my stash for a few years. The Matrix is made of cardboard that I cut away with an exacto knife. I think I would have been tempted to try something a bit more complicated. After a few cuts I realized that something bolder and more graphic would be easier to cut. I also thought if it was more primitive I wouldnt be so hung up if it flopped. After I finished carving and glueing up the matrix it had to be coated a couple of time with some sort of water resistant coating . That keeps the ink from soaking in and preserves the life of the matrix. That took me a few days to do and I learned a few things here. But it was hard to be patient .... come on dry now... I want to start printing.
These are the prints that I handpulled from the matrix. The first print is done with black speedball ink. I chose it because I had more of it. Living so far out of town has it's drawbacks . One of them being that I am not able to run to the store for supplies.. so I get to use what I have on hand. I didnt like the way it printed in black. So on the second one I added some colour. My colour palette in speedball inks is limited. Not happy again. I do however have a whole shitload tote full of acrylic paints. Hmmm... thinking. I thought the craft paints would be more the right consistancy , I also used a acrylic retarder to slow down the drying process. That gave me a little more time to apply the paint. Of course I had to try it with my metallics.. love that. For the most part I was not really that happy with the way they turned out. I did like the mottling of colour I was able to acheive and I think number 6 is my favorite colour combo. It is hard to tell hear just what the colours are. Maybe I will take some photos in the daylight so you get the idea. I think I am going to try this again with mattboard. although I love the way the corrugated part of the cardboard prints.
All in all it was a fun experiement.
The printed part of the images is 10"x 27"
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Easy Come Easy Go.
Yesterday I cashed in my winning lottery ticket. I spent 24 glorious hours dreaming about what I was going to do with it. Today my daughter needed $20 .. poof there went my dreams.
Melted Ice Cream
Yesterday on my way home from the store , I thought the sky looked promising. I decided to drive around for awhile. I Was hoping to catch the sun lighting up the underside of a huge cloudbank in the western sky. By the time it got under the cloud there was a film of haze between the sun and the cloud. This created a hazey glow instead of the fire I was hoping to see. Drat foiled again.. but then again this photo I took on my way home from my "secret" vantadge point made me smile. I hope it comes accross as good here as it did on my computer. I have a feeling it will come up small , if that is the case you just need to click on the photo to see it larger.
Friday, November 4, 2011
In perspective
Once in a while, especially when I look at the work of others I feel like I have a long way to go as a photographer. I have agreed to teach a photography class in a nearby town and so I have been purusing my past photos looking for examples to support my classes. One good thing that has come from it is I get to see all the photos I have taken in past years. I get to see how my photography has grown, and all the lovely photos I have taken. It really is a boost. Sort of the same feeling I got when I saw all my paintings together in a show. Very gratifying indeed.
Farm dogs.
These two are my constant companions when I am out taking photos.
Always curious about what the heck Mama is doing laying on the ground again.
The top one is Bear.. also known affectionatly as Fattyfatty bear dog. She has one of the sweetest temperments of any dog I have known. Below her is Mick. He is a hardworking funloving kinda guy.
He loves long walks, playing ball, and catchin a frisbee.
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