In a effort to shake my post-vacation blues, I went out early to take some photos. This is my son's truck , waiting for him to give it the TLC it needs to get on the road again. The smoke from the fires in B.C. are creating some very interesting atmosheric conditions. Jeff if you are looking in you can get a larger view of your baby by clicking on the photo.
mom i love this pic i think its the best iv ever seen it lol and i was strolling through your pics the other day and WOW its like im looking through your eyes what a differant and beautyfull aspect on life you have. just the things you see its like nothing iv seen before yes iv seen alot of the things you have taken photos of but how the light angle or atmasphere can do to the ordinary things im in awwwww...id just like to thank you for letting us peer through your eyes