I one of those women who has always loved their family with food. Now in the times of rising obesity and all the associated health risks, that has come to be a bad thing. There are some things that I have a hard time omitting from the deadly goodies list. My Secret Cinnamon Buns raise their gooey hands. I have to admit that in the past this recipe remained secret because I loved the acclaim that came with reaching the pinnacle of culinary godessness. Now I keep it a secret because if any health conscious person knew the ingredients, they would never try them. Then how would they know I love them. P.S. If you are interested in the "secret recipe" I would be willing to share . Only after a vow of secrecy is taken and a health wavier is signed.
I solemnly agree to never share your secret recipe with anyone and promise not to reveal the ingredient list...you have my email ;-)
ReplyDeleteOkay, I"m in! I've tried and tried and tried but they are never gooey. I've gone from the dry ones with cinnamon and sugar flaking off the dough to something halfway resembling an attempt at goo. Just can't get the goo and it's the goo that makes them so good. If you don't have my email, send me a note at FB and I'll send it to you in private mail. ... that's if you are serious about being willing to share the secret.